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Anybody here working as a Flash E-learning professionals who knows the Standards of Flash Elearning?

Hey Raja,
funnily enough I used to work in the e-learning sector a few years ago. You'll need to take a look at the SCORM, AICC and IMS standards.

As long as your e-learning content satisfies their criteria then it should be usable in virtually any SCORM or AICC compliant LMS (Learner Management System), VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) or CMS (Content Management System) (e.g. Moodle).

Most of it is to do with how you package up the e-learning modules and there are also some standard javascript interfaces that you have to implement/use to allow data to be exchanged between the LMS/VLE/CMS and your flash content. (e.g. passing user data in to the e-learning module at the start of a session and then passing users scores out to the LMS/VLE at the end).

There are a few tools that can help you to package flash stuff into SCORM/AICC compliant elearning modules, but offhand I can't remember their names...Which is typical! If anything does come flooding back I'll repost!

Anyway. most of the SCORM and AICC stuff looks like a nightmare at first, but once you settle into things, you should be OK!

On the flip-side, I've been out of the loop for a few years now, so I don't know if the industry has moved on since then, or how far it has moved on. So I'm rusty as hell with that side of things..Even remembering simple actionscript is becoming more of a chore nowadays.... What with all of the C++ and *nix development stuff I've been doing recently it feels like I've forgotten more about flash than most people ever learn. So all of the SCORM stuff has gone completely out of my mind!

Anyway, keep me posted and I'll try to help out where or 'IF' I can! heh heh!

Cheers for now,

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Thanks Jason, Last week I utilized the scorm and know how to pass and retrieve variables from there! You caught up one thing ie. Moodle. I want to know more about moodle and need some tutorials about the installation, working with moodle etc. but not from the site That is little bit confusing me.. not user friendly for me...

Thanks Jason, Last week I utilized the scorm and know how to pass and retrieve variables from there! You caught up one thing ie. Moodle. I want to know more about moodle and need some tutorials about the installation, working with moodle etc. but not from the site That is little bit confusing me.. not user friendly for me...

Hey Raja.
Um. I'm sorry to tell you this, but in my previous employment I never got to use Moodle directly. That was left to the QA dept who had to test and review all of our e-learning content on various SCORM/AICC compliant LMS's (including Moodle!).

My main role involved developing SCORM/AICC compliant e-learning content in flash and packaging it for use in LMS's like Moodle. But the QA dept were the ones who actually used it!

Initially we developed a suite of fully customisable, re-skinnable generic flash templates (e.g. menu system/GUI/interface template, page/content template, audio template etc.) to serve as a base for all of our e-learning courses. Once we'd got the generic templates working properly with some sample content, we went on to use them to rapidly develop and package entire courses of top quality, award-winning e-learning content.

I was also involved in developing a few bespoke LMS/VLE/CMS type systems, but I can't really help with Moodle as I've never used it!

I seem to recall Moodle requiring an apache server installed with MySQL and PHP. In other words a typical LAMP/WAMP server set-up. Moodle is then installed and configured on top of that. I definitely remember having to help set up the QA depts Moodle server at my previous employers, but I think that was more to do with troubleshooting the configuration of the actual apache part of the server. Some network-related problem, but I can't really remember any of the exact details...(That was a few years ago now!)

But the Moodle website is almost certainly the best place to go to find out how to set up a server for Moodle! It might not have the most straightforward or user-friendly content, but it's probably still the best place to find out about Moodle.

Sorry I couldn't be of any further help there!
Cheers for now,

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Jason, Thanks for your brief explanation and I also willing to know about that the content and template developing in flash. Because now I have joined in a company as a web developer. My role is to develop some templates and to merge the elearning content within that. I am new to E-Learning, this is my entrance to the field. As you said, you were in the same once upon a time and really need your help on that too. Leave the moodle part and I will try it later.

please somebody tell me how to start when u want to move from classroom training to elearning

its quiet easy in eLearning,the web based training packages are quite comprehensive and leave little or no room for further learning from books.If you are highly self -motivated and self disciplined then only its good for you

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