I have a simple web page. For some reason, one of my div's (holding a bing map), is shifted way off in the blue. Here is the link:

Looks fine in Chrome/IE.

Thanks in advance,


Works fine on firefox 3.63

what firefox version are you using? I'm using firefox 3.5.6. and it looks well here.

It might be a screen resolution problem, rather than a browser problem. Divs are slippery, and if they won't fit, they move.

Also remember that IE nests the surrounding elements and the sizes in the wrong order.

firefox 3.63 working with lower resolutions: 1024x768 and 800x600

Doubt it is a res issue though, his container is relative and #MapCan is relative to that. Dont know why you using the center tag though, isnt it deprecated?

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