Hi I am desgning a website and want a slideshow on my homepage. I have worked out how to do this with javascript and with flash. My problem is that with both when I preview my homepage I get this frigging pop up 'to help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or Active x controls that could access your computer. click here for details.

I just don't get it. When I surf the internet I must visit many sites which use both or either so why when I preview in an internet explorer browser do I get this. I have no problems in firefox but I cannot ignore this as IE is the number 1 browser at the moment.

It is really depressing me as I just want to build my website happily and tranquilly. I have not been able to get anything working yet with php as some people mention that

Please help me and tell me what to do. thanks richard

Are you accessing the images as local files or through a relative directory within your web site root? If you are trying to show files from your local hard drive (like 'c:/myPictures/pic1.jpg') I could see it being a bit cranky.

HI, I have a Website folder and a folder inside that called images. when I preview anything I've done that includes javascript I get this activex pop-up. when I upload this to the internet will users still get this activex warning pop-up?

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Let it should be test?

did u check it on other pcs? i had this activex pop-up problems but only once

I have uploaded my webpages to some free webspace which includes javascript and flash and I have no problems with the pop ups. It is a shame that I have not received proper guidance and advice on this thread. I am very disappointed.

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