
I am quite new, in Dreamweaver CS4 I have 2 a 3 sites with lot's text as information. The customer do not want have a scroll bar viewing on this particular site location. I was wondering how can I exclude the scroll bar viewing in the browsers with keeping text scrolling if the text is too long by mouse over i.e.?

see below the CSS code:

#BodyText {
	color: #FFF;
	text-align: justify;
	font: normal 14px Gill Sans, Gill Sans MT, sans-serif;
	padding-right: 10px;
	font-family: "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", sans-serif;
	font-size: 14px;
	overflow: auto;

and the site source code;

<div id="master">
  <div id="Background">
    <div class="menu" id="BodyText">
      <p>2010 Nieuws construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction</p>
      <p> Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction</p>
      <p>Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction. Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction UnderUnder construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction UnderUnder construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under construction Under</p>

Thanks so much indeed!

Do you mean you would like to remove the scroll bar from the page but still be able to scroll?

Yes that is right the scroll bar should not be display in the browsers. Only the text must be able scroll when it is longer, pls. see the attached thumbnail.

Thank you so much already for your kind help!


You can't.

They scroll and have a scrollbar, or they have no scrollbar and can't scroll.

You can disable all scroll bars in the browser with:

<body style="overflow: hidden;">

Don't know why you would want to do that. If the average user (who surfs in a windowed browser) has a smaller window than your page they wont be able to scroll to see the whole page. They will still be able to scroll the text. Sounds like you have a customer who really likes to screw with users.

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Don't do it - hijacking user browser settings is a big no-no. If it could be done and it happened to me, I'd make sure that I'd never visit that site again. However, are you talking about scrollbars on an element in the page? That's a different matter, but the content should be accessible to all. Standards.

Hi everyone! Thanks for your extra efforts, this is much appreciate it . Only I have doubt how serious your feedback would be works. Please take a look on the attached result.
Note I am not realy familiar with php i.e. I am quite new in Dreamweaver and CSS. But i did exactly what you have supposed to do.

If you have any other improved solution please help.
Thanks again!

If you want to hide the scroll bar you would use the following css;

#element/div id{

or if you have a scroll bar on the x axis;

#element/div id{

That's how I would hide the scroll bars.

... and users depart, in droves, because navigation does not work the way they want. Users expect certain features and functions, or they leave.
the client in this case needs to be shown that the text will flow offscreen, be unreadable, unreachable, and be a perfect enticement for potential customers of the client to go to the opposition. the ability to hide the scroll bar is not at issue, everybody can hide any part of the page and window.
stupidity of hiding the scroll bar is.

recode the page pictured,
so that the scrollbar is to the right of the fixed element,
or post the code and let somebody competent (excluding self) show a quick fix
something like

<body><img style='right:0;top:60px:left:auto;bottom:0;width:200px;position:fixed;float:right;' src='image.jpg'><div>as much text as you want</div>

puts the scroll bar to the right of the image not between text and image, can only assume the page is coded with tables to get that (poor) effect

yes I know the css should be in .css file but who cares its a sample

too much time passed cant add to the prior post,

could you style the scroll bars appropriately for the page design,
if you are stuck with the layout extant
various features of the scroll bar can be styled readily
could be styled for this page to something closer to page colors
or style the bar to background color and just leave the end arrows as click points

this link has a simple to follow, with pictures, instruction set

Whether the scrollbar displays or not is up to the user's browser settings, not your web page. If your page is larger than the screen, the scrollbar will display. You have no control over this, because the scrollbar is part of the browser, not the web page.

If the guy wants to not see a scrollbar, he can turn it off with his own browser settings. But he has no right to change the browser settings of someone else's computer.

Alternately, you have to make a box object smaller than anyone's browser viewport (800X640) and change the content with a script.

Thank all of you for feeding back to me for good suggestion and advise. I think the easiest way is to hide the scroll bar by overlap the image from the right over the scroll bar part. Let's hope the users discover the hide scrolling ;-)

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