I'm hoping some of you beautifully talented webdesigners can help me with what I'm assuming is a setting in IE.

The problem I'm having is that everytime I click on a link to a webpage that contains any java it takes for ever for the page to appear. Sometime IE locks up completely.

I'm using an cable connection. So my connection speed shouldn't be the issue. Any ideas?


You should post this in the Java forum, if you really mean "Java". It could be that you need to install the latest version of the Java Virtual Machine. If you mean "JavaScript", then check your security settings under Internet Options, to see if you have enabled JavaScript or not.

If you still have problems, then perhaps the best forum for configuration advice would be the "Web Browsers" forum: http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/forum29.html

THIS forum, deals with developing/programming web pages.

Try another browser like Netscape or Mozilla and see what happens.

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