i have a new class for my footer texts in style.css and my page is www.ariahost.net . now in firefox my text align "left" is working fine but in IE it's on center . what should i do ?

please show the code...your text align in footer is centered in Firefox

centered in IE8 IE7 Opera FF
? what problem

centered in IE8 IE7 Opera FF
? what problem

i need left align in both IE and Firefox

doh, think the opposite, that it was not displaying the same in IE
show the code for the css, somewhere there is a text-align:center that you missed

Your code says this.

<p align="center"><a href="http://www.ariahost.net/news.htm"> اخبار </a>- <a href="http://www.ariahost.net/aboutus.htm">درباره ما</a> - سوالات متداول -<a href="http://www.ariahost.net/support.htm"> پشتيباني</a> - <a href="http://www.ariahost.net/contactus">تماس با ما</a> -<a href="http://www.ariahost.net/map.htm"> نقشه سايت </a><br>
تمامي حقوق اين سايت براي شركت آريا هاست محفوظ است . © 1382 - 1389<br>

Copyright © 2003 - 2010 AriaHost.net , All rights reserved. Design By AriaHost Design Department </p>

So naturally it is centered.

But PLEASE try to use css and not inline styles! Such as
#footer p {text-align:center;}

And as for using tables!!! Your footer area is nested five tables deep! Using tables for layout is from a previous century.

PS Do you really charge $11,000 a year for hosting a 50MB site? Sure you don't mean $11.00

Your code says this.

<p align="center"><a href="http://www.ariahost.net/news.htm"> اخبار </a>- <a href="http://www.ariahost.net/aboutus.htm">درباره ما</a> - سوالات متداول -<a href="http://www.ariahost.net/support.htm"> پشتيباني</a> - <a href="http://www.ariahost.net/contactus">تماس با ما</a> -<a href="http://www.ariahost.net/map.htm"> نقشه سايت </a><br>
تمامي حقوق اين سايت براي شركت آريا هاست محفوظ است . © 1382 - 1389<br>

Copyright © 2003 - 2010 AriaHost.net , All rights reserved. Design By AriaHost Design Department </p>

So naturally it is centered.

But PLEASE try to use css and not inline styles! Such as
#footer p {text-align:center;}

sorry , my mean was top of the footer

example : <li><a href="http://www.ariahost.net/linuxhosting.htm" class="footer">هاست لینوکس معمولی</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.ariahost.net/windows.htm" class="footer">هاست ویندوز معمولی</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.ariahost.net/highlinux.htm" class="footer">هاست لینوکس پر حجم</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.ariahost.net/highwindows.htm" class="footer">هاست ویندوز پرحجم</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.ariahost.net/ssl.htm" class="footer">SSL گواهینامه</a></li>

my footer class on style.css is :
a.footer {
color: black;

a:hover.footer {
color: black;

ps our price is in $ is less than 10$
And as for using tables!!! Your footer area is nested five tables deep! Using tables for layout is from a previous century.

PS Do you really charge $11,000 a year for hosting a 50MB site? Sure you don't mean $11.00

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