I have placed a backgroung image for the left menu of my store, and when some of the pages of my site become too long, spaces apear between the background image and the rest of the site. I've tried using height="100%" but no luck ( i want to keep the with fixed).

Go here, and you will see what I am talking about

And here is the layout (site was made using photoshop, imageready, and frontpage 03.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<!-- ImageReady Slices (002.psd) -->
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<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=splash%22" shape="rect" coords="58, 16, 212, 103">
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<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=store%22" shape="rect" coords="78, 127, 171, 166">
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<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=search%22" shape="rect" coords="0, 172, 188, 206">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/chicago-bm-template6_01.jpg" width="780" height="208" alt="" usemap="#FPMap0"></td>
<td width="1">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="208" alt=""></td>
<td width="189">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/chicago-bm-template2_02.jpg" width="188" height="173" alt=""></td>
<td rowspan="3" width="595">
<!-- ############################################# -->
<!-- # Page Title Insertion # -->
<!-- ############################################# -->

(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_exec_pgtitle")

<!-- ############################################# -->
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<!-- ############################################# -->

(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_exec_message")

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<!-- # Content Section # -->
<!-- ############################################# -->

(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_exec_element" PARAMS="(CGIVAR)element_id(/CGIVAR)")

<td width="1">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="173" alt=""></td>
<td height=100% background="http://chicago-bm.com/images/002_37a.JPG" width="189">
<!-- ############################################# -->
<!-- # Category Insert Display # -->
<!-- ############################################# -->
(CGIGET TYPE="SUB" VALUE="ste_cat_list")

<td width="1">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="368" alt=""></td>
<td rowspan="2" width="189">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/chicago-bm-template2_05.jpg" width="189" height="145" alt=""></td>
<td width="1">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="68" alt=""></td>
<td width="595">
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<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=splash%22" shape="rect" coords="19, 22, 61, 38">
<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=store%22" shape="rect" coords="84, 23, 141, 39">
<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=contact%22" shape="rect" coords="160, 22, 214, 40">
<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=cart%22" shape="rect" coords="230, 23, 290, 39">
<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=services%22" shape="rect" coords="306, 23, 363, 39">
<area href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=checkout%22" shape="rect" coords="382, 22, 443, 38">
<area coords="461, 22, 543, 39" shape="rect" href="A%20HREF=%22(CGIVAR)common_url(/CGIVAR)&pg=storepolicies%22">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/chicago-bm-template2_06.jpg" width="592" height="77" alt="" usemap="#FPMap1" border="0"></td>
<td width="1">
<img src="http://chicago-bm.com/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="77" alt=""></td>
<!-- End ImageReady Slices -->

Anyone? Anyone at all?

After 'carefully' go though your page, I found that it wasn't the problem with your image (your image is NOT a background image, you simply use img script). It was the stucture of your page. Sorry to say that the script was a mess. You need to structure it into table of two column, one for the side menu and the other for the main body. In the script you displaying the image at the side menu then jump into the main body to display your products and at the end jump back to the side menu with all the links (that's why your link push down to bottom of the page. You should structure it so that you display all the side menu (both image and links) before go into the main body. Use WYSIWYG software like frontpage or dreamweaver to deal with.

All the best!

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