Hi, I have created a website, but I have problems where I insert £ signs and it is coming up with a diamond shape with a question mark in it. Can anyone advise why is this and how can I correct it, please.

Also I have put meta tags on site , however it is not ranking in google , does anyone know what I am doing wrong with this and offer any expert advice.

Many Thanks

are you using the html entity for the pound symbol?
(remove the + sign. I added it because it was being interpreted as html on this site's editor)


Also, try adding this to your document's <head>:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

hi many thanks for your help, sorted. Just need to know how to rank in google , I have done keywords , but its not coming up and not sure what I am doing wrong.

Just need to know how to rank in google , I have done keywords , but its not coming up and not sure what I am doing wrong.

I don't know, but that is a completely different issue that is perhaps more suitable if posted under "Internet Marketing > Search Engine Optimization"

ok thankyou for all your help

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