i have a css coding working in chrome and opera but not in internet explorer or firefox..

so please have a lok at dis coding and what changes should be done so internet explorer could have a same display as in chrome
actually i have just background pictures problem as they are not covering the whole page as in chrome

@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */

	background-size:100% 100%;
	background-image: url(111.jpg);

	background-size: 100% 35%;
	color: #063;
	text-align: left;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
	background-image: url(invert.JPG);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	color: #FFF;
	font-weight: bold;
	text-decoration: blink;
	text-decoration: overline;
	text-decoration: underline;
	text-align: center;
    font-family: "Monotype Corsiva";
	color: #F00;
	font-weight: bold;
	text-align: center;
    font-family: "MS Serif", "New York", serif;
	 font-family: "Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif;
	text-align: center;
	color: #F00;

As far as I know (even though it makes sense to do it the way you have it), IE doesn't support background styles (will handle height,width ok) on the html element. It should be ok to do on the body though. If you need two different sections of backgrounds you might go with 2 div's to take care of the backgrounds and set them to the heights you want to achieve the same affect.

You could take the style you have applied to the html tag, place them on your body tag, then create a new div to contain everything inside the body and take the style that are currently on your body and plce them on the new div. That way you can give the new div a width smaller than the width of the view port(body) and then your background on your body would show.

It would help to see your html code as well, or even better a link to your live site.

You could take the style you have applied to the html tag, place them on your body tag, then create a new div to contain everything inside the body and take the style that are currently on your body and plce them on the new div. That way you can give the new div a width smaller than the width of the view port(body) and then your background on your body would show.

It would help to see your html code as well, or even better a link to your live site.

would you mind sending me the div coding according to my sent coding, so i could replace it........would b grateful

you need to post your html code first.

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