Hi Guys!

I'm trying to make a very simple webpage template. One that I can send via email that will display correctly when the receiver opens the email. I've been having trouble getting the pages to display properly in Lotus Notes.

However, I received an email today that did display correctly in notes (see attachment). My question is, how did they do that? In the screen shot, you'll notice that there is a thick gray border around the actual newsletter. How did they do that? Any and all help would be very much appreciated!

The email that worked!



I'm not quite sure your problem about "not display correctly".

The attached email is written in HTML rather than text version. Ideally you can buy a software or subscribe to online newsletter tools (email marketing to) to produce such a nice email.

If you know server side language, you can generate HTML email from your website by defining the content type and charset, and include all html tags within the sendmail script.

The problem within html email is some user have their email setting to read only text, and the nice newsletter will suddently become useless (user see all the html code).

If you are hosted with a company that offers Cpanel W/Fantastico you can find some very useful newsletter generating scripts in there that will allow you to do what you are asking to be able to do. They are pretty self explanatory and should take minutes to setup and be on your way.

Hi Guys!

I'm trying to make a very simple webpage template. One that I can send via email that will display correctly when the receiver opens the email. I've been having trouble getting the pages to display properly in Lotus Notes.

However, I received an email today that did display correctly in notes (see attachment). My question is, how did they do that? In the screen shot, you'll notice that there is a thick gray border around the actual newsletter. How did they do that? Any and all help would be very much appreciated!

The email that worked!



Use frontpage
Create a Webpage centered, Table in Table
Add graphics, add text
save as stationary.
Load Outlook
Choose Stationary. (the one you created)
Enter Address (always testsend to yourself first)

aka Kegtapper

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