Hi there everyone,

Can someone who is really well versed in xhtml, CSS, optimization of graphics & does all their sites w/ W3C, pls. review these people & tell me if their sites validate & their code is clean etc.

Thanks soooo much :)



links removed by moderator... sorry!


While links are permitted in this particular sub-forum, generally those links are to sites you are trying to develop, to illustrate a particular problem. This was a judgment call on my part, and I elected to remove the list of sites from your post.

You can validate sites on your own, by visiting the w3.org validators, and entering the urls in question.

No, I don't know how to use the validation programs, nor would even understand why they aren't validated, as I'm not a coder.

I was also asking for more than just whether they are validated, but I guess I won't get any help on this board.



While links are permitted in this particular sub-forum, generally those links are to sites you are trying to develop, to illustrate a particular problem. This was a judgment call on my part, and I elected to remove the list of sites from your post.

You can validate sites on your own, by visiting the w3.org validators, and entering the urls in question.

I think you can expect help. But you listed, if I recall, about 10 sites! I think it would be expecting too much to ask anyone to do an exhaustive XHTML & CSS review, for free, of even one site, let alone nearly a dozen.

Those validators are very simple to use. For example, I clicked your sig to go to your site. I copied the URL from the address bar, then went to the validator page I hyperlinked for you above. One of the options is to validate markup by simply entering a URL and clicking a button. I pasted in your URL, clicked "Check", and viola!:

This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!

Congratulations. If there were any problems, the validator would tell you exactly what the problem is, and where it's located on the page.

There. I helped you, see?

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