
I know my knowledge of coding is very limited. I can code basic html and css, and not even completely correct.

My question is, if I code an html layout and css that only looks correct in one browser can a programer take it and fix it all up?

More details:

I am designing/redesigning a website. I can for the most part make the whole css file. I can make the website look the way its suppose to and have the links working, any other functionality would not be in place. If this is confusing I could make a sample html with a css and post it here to make things clear.

Please write your question a bit more clearly. And for that you need to first ask the question from yourself.
there will always be differences in browsers, but you should still test your designs in as many of them as you can. Most of the time it is a wrong approach to design that breaks website in one browser, while working in other.

Please write your question a bit more clearly. And for that you need to first ask the question from yourself.
there will always be differences in browsers, but you should still test your designs in as many of them as you can. Most of the time it is a wrong approach to design that breaks website in one browser, while working in other.

I know it HAS to work in multiple browsers. I am designing it and only coding the basic html and the whole css.

I know the best thing is a picture or a html file with css as an example. What I am saying is that lets says for an email page, I create all my <div> tags and have everything in the right place on the page. Everything is just text no php, aspx, etc... The list of emails received is also text with the correct attributes attached to it. For something like that that is handed to the real programer could he take my plain html and add all the other code it needs while maintaining all the design I am giving him?

Blue boxes are the <div>

ok i got your question.
you should ask the programmer "how will he go about it?" if he is a real person.
if this man is virtual, you should design in such a manner that any programmer can add php/asp code easily, so
1. keep design clean
2. use comments
3. properly document the file & directory structure.

BTW i design and program myself and end up mixing the two, which is not very good. Separation of html & php/asp is very important.
Hope this helps

ok i got your question.
you should ask the programmer "how will he go about it?" if he is a real person.
if this man is virtual, you should design in such a manner that any programmer can add php/asp code easily, so
1. keep design clean
2. use comments
3. properly document the file & directory structure.

BTW i design and program myself and end up mixing the two, which is not very good. Separation of html & php/asp is very important.
Hope this helps

lol "if he is a real person?"

Yes, he is a real person I have only met him once. I know that a designer is "suppose" to according to every site/forum to code the html and css. I just don't want to spend time doing this for no reason

"Waisting" (wasting) time or not, coding always adds on to experience, which is very useful in life. So don't worry if you do everything correctly, in the end it will pay off.

"Waisting" (wasting) time or not, coding always adds on to experience, which is very useful in life. So don't worry if you do everything correctly, in the end it will pay off.

I know that, im just time limited on this project plus school work I wanted to know should I be spending my time doing more productive useful things.

looks like i can share my own story in brief here.
i myself "used" my time programming a C++ game (my own), during my schooling. i was supposed to use that time studying hard for "competitive exams" and school. but now i have no regrets, because i have a solid experience, which i am using to do more programming stuff. also by managing time i ended in a good institute.
so for you, "it will be hard time managing school & project, but it is worth it, only and only if you complete the project. a incomplete project is useless".
And one more thing, if possible (& if you are very interested & motivated) start your own project.
Good luck

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