Hello, I want to add some fonts in my web-site,but there are some fonts does not exists in the visitors computers:
so,How can I add linked fonts?

The only effective way to do this is to use sIFR but that isn't good solution for an entire page. It's designed more for headers and maybe a small snippet of text.

In general you shouldn't be using fonts that aren't standard on all computers. If you do, you should be sure to make a list of several fonts to be used so if one is not available the browser can try another.

OK, Thanks Stymiee you're always the best, but I really want to add those fonts... I wrote a chat program and I said: those fonts should make that program better and more beautiful... anyway... ThAnK YoU.

There are several ways to procede:

- The best way is to define a style with the font you want, and a font-family to use if the font isn't there.

- Another way is to tell the users where they can download your font.

- If the font is to be used for a title, you can make a jpg file of the title, and upload the picture to your site.

But remember this: Not everyone is going to like your font. Some fonts are quite hard to read, especially on a higher-resolution monitor.

I, for instance, have trouble reading fonts with serifs. So I specify a font-family of sans-serif. I also hid all the serif fonts from my browser.

There are several ways to procede:

- The best way is to define a style with the font you want, and a font-family to use if the font isn't there.

Thanks MidiMagic I thought about that, but I see that the automatic download is better,so I want to know how can I make the page download the fonts automatically when the users open that page?
thanks again.

You can't. That would be a security issue if it was possible.

Sorry Stymiee,but I did not understand, can you explaine,please?

Ok, I decided to set the standard fonts,but.....:) :?:
Which fonts from these are standard fonts?:
Colonna MT
Comic Sans MS
Odessa LET

It doesn't really matter as long as one of them is. Then you can tell the user's browser which order you wish it to try them. It will go down the list until it finds a font the user has on their system. To make sure you don't get the default font make sure specify a standard font like 'arial' or a font family like 'sans-serif' so you know they are getting a decent font if none of the fonts you specify are available.

font-family: Colonna MT, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Odessa LET, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

FYI, I don't think any of the fonts you want to use are standard fonts.

Sorry Stymiee,but I did not understand, can you explaine,please?

Other than in the temporary Internet storage area, you do not have any right to put files on someone else's hard disk without their permission. Fonts go in a permanent area of a hard disk.

It is against the law to alter hard drives on other computers without permission.

There are two ways that are effective to this

1) Make the font as an image using photoshop or other stuff like firefox.
2) use the:

*tag*  {
font-family:Colonna MT, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Odessa LET, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

and replace the *tag* with the tags that are on you words

b  {
font-family:Colonna MT, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Odessa LET, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;






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