hello all,

does anyone have any idea on how to replicate (possibly to a simpler level within one page) the new denny's website in terms of page slider etc


I'll investigate on my own but if someone already has an answer... :)
thank you.

Can you please be more specific?
I see a few things that can be considered page sliding on their website.
- The quick navigation
- The way the scrolling functions
- if you click the right/left arrows the page slides and new information is displayed
Which do you want to replicate and to what extent?

Hi skald89,

Sorry i haven't replied earlier but i didn't get a notification that someone posted something.

I would like to replicate the overall page sliding, the opacity or lack thereof on the active/non active page and the scrolling within the active page.

Thank you for your help.

They use a java script page slider, as well as a java script slider within some pages to produce the slide effects.

thanks to all. i thought it would be more complicated than what i initially thought. simple page slider indeed. thanks for the comments.

They use a java script page slider, as well as a java script slider within some pages to produce the slide effects.

can you give us some javascript code to do this

can you give us some javascript code to do this

Yes, google has lots of results for such code.

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