Hi, I need some help to you all,how can i make image like this in the header of this cite


the color dark green that looks like grooving lines or slanting lines,can you help me please how to make like this...please help me.Thank you in advance and i am hoping for your positive response.

Best Regards,


Follow the steps below that we used in our project :

Open your photoshop > File > New > Set your width and height (assuming 11x3in. 100resolution) > select color > fill > Shift+Control+N then OK > click "rectangular tool" > right click on the rectangle > then select "fill path" click OK > press Enter > Click "Move tool" > rotate you rectangle to your desire angle and hit enter > Opacity 25% > and duplicate your layer as much as you want ;)

hi Jemz,
that image is repeated background you just create small pattern, then use repeat option in css for body tag

hi Jemz,
that image is repeated background you just create small pattern, then use repeat option in css for body tag

Hi sorry for the late reply...yes thank for the idea,and it solved my problem...thank you so much.more power to you always...

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