Does Anyone know how to convert ordinary images to vector images in photoshop? How do you do it in the simplest way?

Why do you want it to be a vector graphic? Photoshop is mainly used for Raster images. Use Illustrator if you want a vector image.

I don't know if that is possible. Vector graphics contain descriptions of the objects in the picture, such as lines, rectangles, polygons, circles, etc. They have to be drawn by the artist. A photograph has no such information within it. Vector graphics make no sense for images taken with a camera, because they are not directly composed of lines, rectangles, polygons, circles, etc.

Vector graphics are for diagrams and mechanical drawing.

you need to use illustrator.

Let me guess: A publisher wants vector graphics.

I suggest you as an alternative Corel Graphics.It has powerfull toosl for the job

No dear you can’t do it. I have an idea that is, select any image and draw the same image on illustrator and then you can convert it.

You can use illustrator by importing the image and use the "live trace" and this is the easy way..u can draw it also using pen tool.
another way is using flash, after importing the image select Modify> bitmap> trace bitmap. but you have to adjust some options.
Hope it works for you :)

commented: best response so far +0

Only an idiot wants a vector graphics representation of a photograph.

commented: Don't be close minded! -1

Let me clarify that. I was referring to the publisher policy, not the topic starter. Some of their policies appear to be created by idiots or committees.

I was at the time thinking of the following definition in one of my "Murphy Law" books:

A committee is approximated by the cross-product of an n-matrix of idiots and an n-matrix of politicians, where n is the number of people on the committee. The result of the committee vote is the determinant of the resulting matrix.

I was pressed for time because the network was going down in 5 minutes. And of course, when the network came back up, the time limit for editing had expired.

Does Anyone know how to convert ordinary images to vector images in photoshop? How do you do it in the simplest way?

You can use illustrator by importing the image and use the "live trace" and this is the easy way..u can draw it also using pen tool.
another way is using flash, after importing the image select Modify> bitmap> trace bitmap. but you have to adjust some options.
Hope it works for you :)

The above post is a helpful solution to your problem, but on the offchance that you don't have access to any of the programs mentioned above (or can't afford to buy them), then Inkscape is a free alternative for creating vector graphics and also features a bitmap tracing tool (i.e. bitmap/raster to vector conversion!)

I just realized something. Publishers want vector graphics versions of drawings so they can enlarge or reduce the size of the drawing without problems related to changes in resolution.

But if a vector graphics image that is a raster scan of a photograph is enlarged or reduced, the scan lines will be overlapped or separated, and the photo would no longer appear to be a photo. This defeats the purpose.

Hence taking a picture with say a 10MP or greater camera and using that for pictures in advertisements. It should be more than large enough and shrinking is not too much of a problem.

Does Anyone know how to convert ordinary images to vector images in photoshop? How do you do it in the simplest way?

I just realized something. Publishers want vector graphics versions of drawings so they can enlarge or reduce the size of the drawing without problems related to changes in resolution.

But if a vector graphics image that is a raster scan of a photograph is enlarged or reduced, the scan lines will be overlapped or separated, and the photo would no longer appear to be a photo. This defeats the purpose.

Hence taking a picture with say a 10MP or greater camera and using that for pictures in advertisements. It should be more than large enough and shrinking is not too much of a problem.

Of course, you guys are assuming that the original poster wanted to convert photo's or complicated raster images to vector graphics.

But the poster could equally just have some simple graphics, perhaps originally saved as a .jpg or .png and want to convert them to vectors....In which case the bitmap tracing tools should yield good enough results!

In my last job we had a client who had several flash based e-learning programs originally created by a third party, which they wanted updated and optimised.

The flash files were all AS2 for flash player 7 a nightmare of timeline animation and layers UGH! {shudders}. So we ended up redoing the projects in Actionscript3 for flash player 9...much nicer!

One of the main optimisations we made was to convert the gfx assets to vectors. All of the original assets for the projects were done as .png and there were shedloads of them...Naturally this bloated the .swf's considerably. We batch converted all of the images to .svg vectors using a custom made in-house tool, vastly reducing the size of the gfx assets used in the project...It was a hell of a lot quicker than getting the artists on the development team to redraw all of the original gfx!


There's no idiot wants a vector graphics representation of a photograph.

Use Xara Xtreme software. Or combine it with vectormagic software. And a lot of practice. You can do it.

Only idiot who doesn't know this can be done. >(

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