Basically I have a password reset field and in order for the password reset to be processed the user needs to enter their first name, last name, D.O.B and email address.

The first name, last name and email address are required fields, the rest are just additional security measures. My question is - is there any way to simply turn the box border red if nothing is entered?

I've tried numerous jquery plugins, tutorials to no avail. I think it is because the page itself has alot of other javascript and sql queries running.

Any help would be great.

i haven't implemented this, yet.
however, you can use, Css border & Javascript styling property..
,such as you can call a function onblur() in javascript,..
and in that function, you can change the border property of all the input boxes, using their id,..

Hi friend

I think u r right. This a very boring process. Only E-mail address is enough. And it is possible. In database verification part u can fixed is by option.


security at the db level requires, input validation at the hardmost level, otherwise it is just a matter of time, your security breaches..
well, if you have learnt php, or java, in php..
preg_match() function is the best for limiting user input and making your application secured..

Basically I have a password reset field and in order for the password reset to be processed the user needs to enter their first name, last name, D.O.B and email address.

The first name, last name and email address are required fields, the rest are just additional security measures. My question is - is there any way to simply turn the box border red if nothing is entered?

I've tried numerous jquery plugins, tutorials to no avail. I think it is because the page itself has alot of other javascript and sql queries running.

Any help would be great.

Yes, it can be done using JavaScript. This page will be useful to you

This Jquery form is probably more complex than you need, but it does check that all required fields are completed before submission.
I've used this for a large form a client needed

This page has several form validation scripts

and that site has another collection as well

Don't think you searched very hard ;) , as I found the second page above quite easily.
It must have something that matches your needs.

EDIT I noticed a link to this one in the comments on the second page above

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