
I have this navigation:


<div id="AboutNav">					
            <p style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #787878; width: 200px;"></p><br /> 
                	<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-vision.php">Vision & Mission</a>
                	<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-history.php">History</a>
                	<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-client.php">Client</a>
                    <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">People</a>   

                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Chairman</a></li>       
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Partners</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Director</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Advisors</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Senior Lawyers</a></li>  
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Junior Lawyers</a></li>  
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Secretariat</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Librarians</a></li>                        
</div><br />


Can anyone help me fix the navigation. My point is this: 1) only when somebody press the people's navigation bottom then a list of people's position appears, otherwise, they should be hidden.

2) the grey background suppose to fill behind the list bottom also, yet the list bottom must remains black color on hover eventhough the text turns red on hover.

How to do these things ?

This is the css file by the way:


	background-color: #d1d2d4;
	width: 207px;
	height: 200px;

#AboutNav a:link{
	background: url('images/About/AboutNav2.png') 0 0;	
	width: 197px;
	height: 32px;
    text-decoration: none;
	color: black; Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	
	font-size: 12px;
	display: block;

#AboutNav a:visited{
	background: url('images/About/AboutNav2.png') 0 95px;	
	width: 197px;
	height: 32px;
    text-decoration: none;
	color: black; Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	
	font-size: 12px;
	display: block;
	padding-left: 10px;

#AboutNav a:hover{
	background: url('images/About/AboutNav2.png') 0 64px;	
	width: 197px;
	height: 32px;
	text-decoration: none;
	color: red; Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	
	font-size: 12px;
	display: block;

I don't see a AboutNavBox id in your code, so I think you'll have to remove the 'Box' from the id in your css code.
There are numerous free to use jQuery scripts that do this sort of tasks for you.
are you looking for something like this?

oh sorry. it suppose to be like this:


div id="AboutNavBox">
<div id="AboutNav">					
            <p style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #787878; width: 200px;"></p><br /> 
                	<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-vision.php">Vision & Mission</a>
                	<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-history.php">History</a>
                	<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-client.php">Client</a>
                    <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">People</a>       
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Chairman</a></li>       
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Partners</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Director</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Advisors</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Senior Lawyers</a></li>  
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Junior Lawyers</a></li>  
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Secretariat</a></li>          
                 <li>  <a href="https://localhost/wordpress/about/about-people.php">Librarians</a></li>          
</div><br />                               


#AboutNav ul{	
	list-style-type: circle;
#AboutNav li a:link{
	background: url('images/About/AboutNav2.png') 0 0;	
	width: 197px;
	height: 32px;
    text-decoration: none;
	color: black; Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	
	font-size: 12px;
	display: block;

#AboutNav li a:visited{
	background: url('images/About/AboutNav2.png') 0 95px;	
	width: 197px;
	height: 32px;
    text-decoration: none;
	color: black; Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	
	font-size: 12px;
	display: block;
	padding-left: 10px;
#AboutNav li a:hover{
	background: url('images/About/AboutNav2.png') 0 64px;	
	width: 197px;
	height: 32px;
	text-decoration: none;
	color: red; Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	
	font-size: 12px;
	display: block;

Now, the bullet disappeared.

Can you give the proper full url to the test page.

On going to the link
a few things struck me.

This may come as a surprise to you, but my screen may not be the same size as yours, and my browser isn't running full screen. So the text on the right sits over the links on the left. It gets sorted when I drag the browser window wider, over onto part of my second screen. So stop designing with your browser full screen, and test things at smaller screen / viewport sizes than you use. Because the page breaks in smaller viewports than 1400px width.

Next, the code published above and on that page where the link takes us has some obvious errors in it.

First you have some links that are not in an ordered list and then you have some that are meant to be in an ordered list - we can see the <li> and </li> tags. What we can't see is the <ul> and </ul> tags...

Next your footer is stuck over on the right of the screen, caught on the edge of one of the other divs.

You need to add clear:both; to the #footer-container to stop that happening.

Next there is a paragraph which is empty and has a border of a dotted red line. Why?
This should be the border-bottom of the h4 tag that the header Client sits in, or in an extreme case, the border-top of the div below that, the .post div.

Also at the bottom of the page is a div inside the footer called #body - it is a VERY bad idea to use a reserved word for an id or class name, it can lead to confusion when we tell you to alter some code.

Finally, #footer-container, and #footer-nav are the exact same size, so one of them is not needed and its styles should be in the other one. #body, inside #footer-nav might not be needed either with a small adjustment to your code.

I think things will be easier if you implement some of the changes I've given.

I don't see a AboutNavBox id in your code, so I think you'll have to remove the 'Box' from the id in your css code.
There are numerous free to use jQuery scripts that do this sort of tasks for you.
are you looking for something like this?

I am getting close. Just one more thing, is it possible to create drop down box that the navigation arrow turns " v " upon click, Otherwise it remains " > "

Check the attachment. Thanks.

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