Hi Guys well in my course to design websites that are as graphical as posiblem. i normaly prefere designing the graphical element with photoshop and then sending them over to the web page.
Ontill i met CSS, i relised that day in and they out new standareds were evolving to the extent that most of the graphical effect to texts and others can be applied by css example shadow. my only problem is that this new standared are mostly enforced or use or implimented by firefox and may be safare. But the fact remains, if you want your site to look the same in every borwser using these new standarad of CSS will generate a problem. And to all my firends out there try not to use absolute value in your CSS since screen resolutions change by the day. try using percentages instead.
so i ask what do we do since not all the browsers uphold these new standarads