
I have for many years been learning html/css and have built many sites for personal use, each time I get better at designing sites and have started to learn about creating layouts in Adobe Photoshop and converting them to HTML./CSS.

I have had some experience with PHP and MySQL which I am still developing with to get better. I am also looking into JavaScript and the onto AJAX. I find I learn when I get an idea about something and then I am motivated to learn it. I am planning to be able to become a freelance web developer (you can view my website here Click Here).

I have offered a service to future clients to maintain websites for them, but after a while this will become very time consuming as I can not do this for every client due to the fact I would do the web development outside of my normal job as a Customer Advisor.

I would like to know where to find out more about Content Management Systems, which ones to avoid and how they actually work and requirements for these to work. I also would like to know whether I can use Content Management Systems with sites I have designed from scratch and then I can deploy this on a CMS for the client to do updates on their own website.

I am a bit lost about the whole subject and I am concerned I am looking in the wrong place for the wrong solution for what I am trying to achieve any advise or guidance anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.


If you are interested in how they work, building one is the best test. I like this book, it is a nice introduction into building your own.

Thank you I have got a copy of the book and it is a really good book, I am learning alot already.

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