Hi I am new to html design and learning... I am rendering some content from a django service onto a html template i am not able to set the page in such a way the if a condition is satisfied it goes the top of the html page and if the condition is not satisfied it goes to the bottom of the page like

{% for t in list %}
    {% if not t.appendix %}
         <div id="content">
    {% else %}
         <div id="appendix">
    {% endif %} 
    {% endfor %}     

And the HTML page should be like

Content 1
Content 2
Content 1
Content 2 

Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1

Now i get like

Appendix 1
Content 1
Appendix 2
Content 2

id is unique may only contain 1 item, duplicating id may cause problems in compliant browsers
class contains one or more items
positioning is done easiest by css styling the classes

<div id='singular'> this div has an id, the id can only be used by this div and no other</div>
<div class='appendix'> This div is one of many, that class is multiple </div>
<div class='appendix'> This div is one of many, that class is multiple </div>
<div class='appendix'> This div is one of many, that class is multiple </div>

in the head or external style sheet class appendix can be styled for position exactly how has drawn a blank, major messup apologies

just thoughts, try one of the online tutorial sites for better answer (sorry no link)

Dos Vdanye

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