I am not an affiliate of 000Webhost. I just really appreciated what they had to offer. I don't use them any more because I run my website from my own LAMP server. They offer PHP, MYSQL, free emails, etc. It's a pretty incredible package. It took me a long time of searching through free web hosts to find one with this many options. Look for yourself. I am actually still using them today because I cannot get my mail server to work. So I link to the PHP pages that they host from my server. Great Stuff!

Thanks for the tip Phil...I haven't used them before, but will check them out.

Most "free" hosts usually have some catch that can cripple your ranking. #1 thing to check is to make sure they put your domain in your name and not theirs.

I'm not going to say they are bad because that makes me look like I know everything. However, I made an account ~1 month ago and since then I have been having constant issues with my website just not showing up at all and having bandwidth issues (I think that was the problem). They aren't as good as they advertise. I simply decided to cancel my account and look for a more dependable provider.

That's my 2 cents.

When something is free... it tends to be not as functional... unless you built it..

I am not here to say that they are perfect. But I personally have been using it for the past 5 years until now. It's worked fine for me. Nothing will ever be perfect, I'd just suggest this to those new to web design who need a free environment with a lot to offer. But you do get what you pay for. So as I said, it's a great resource if you are a student or are a hobbyist. I would not suggest any free host (unless it's your own ^) to anyone looking for a reliable site for business. Didn't mean to cause a stir, my anticipated audience was different than in actuality. If you have any better suggestions please post! I'd be very interested, as would others I think.

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