I'm taking a website development course and we are supposed to be using HTML5 and CSS3. In my textbook it says that the <div> tag is HTML 4.01 and that in HTML5 it has been replaced with the <section> tag. I know with the <div> tag you can specify whether it is the main, left, or right area, but does that also work with the <section> tag? For instance, my assignment is having me create a web form, and I want to have a small area on the left that is just text, then I want my web form to be in the center section. My code so far in my .htm file is written like <section id="left"> and in my corresponding .css file I have:
section id="left" {
width: 220px;
padding-top: 20px;
float: left;
font-size: 0.75em;
margin: 5px 5px 10px 15px;
color: black;
My layout is not as desired unfortunately, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm not coding properly? Do the id elements on work for the <div> tag? Any help would be appreciated! =D