Hi All,

Could you Please give me your valuable suggestions for the following requirement. I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this thread but please have a look and give me your suggestions.

  1. I am planning to design a ticket tracking tool.
  2. If any issue comes /any job got failed the related mail first it should go to the Helpdesk team and they will assign this ticket to the respective team. that Mail with ticket number will go to the whole team.
    but the respective person will take the ownership of the ticket he/she will start working on it.
  3. once the issue is resolved he should update the status and the Root cause of the issue and the solution of the issue.
  4. He should prepare the solution document and should upload it in the tool and some where (but he should mention the path).
  5. Once everything is done it should calculate how many incidents got raised and how many issues got resolved/pending/waiting for Customer Input kind of stuff should be generated as a report by the end of every week and should send a mail to the whole team.

so that it is easy to trace out the number of incidents raised ? and Number of tickets resolved/pending/waiting for customer input.

Please let me know for the whole process how to develop a tool? Please let me know the process. Then I will try to design a tool for the same. Please add some other inputs from your end as well.


Hi Vasu,

First of all, you need maintain four categories of login credential and their rights.

1. Super Admin
2. Admin
3. Staff
4. User(Client)

User can post the query, and specify the category of the issue ( ex: Invoice, Product etc.,)

Admin identify the query and assign to particular department(Sales, Technical, etc.,) staff.

Staff can reply to the issue and add remark for the issue. Suppose the particular staff can't be continue to solve the issue means, it's easy to solve other staff.

User have permission to give the option, issue solved or not. Customer feedback or rank option is better to improve the quality of service.

Admin can aslo reply to the user query and monitoring the department activities like:

Sort by **Date, Time**, Search the ticket no

Open - 10
Pending - 5
Closed - 20

**Ticket No | Status**
    00001 | Open
    00002 | Pending
    00003 | Closed

Super Admin can control everything.

Thank you very much for your qucik response. Before starting this task , am newbie to this webdesign. Am a Oracle Database developer.

For small kind of stuff could you please explain me I want to design a tool/website like :

In our office, each and every one they should update the tasks what they are worked on every day and they hould submit ( required buttons need to be created.). EOD of every week it should generate a report and send it to our Project Manager. So as per the report he will review each and every ones work.

If people want to save any file that should be save d in some specific folder.

for this requirement How to design a page please explain me. Then I will design a webpage.

So please let me know what are the fields are required and add your views as well.. Appreciate your help.


Hi Vasu,

I understand your question. You will need to develop the website.

I want to ask you few more question don't mind. You are Oracle developer means how can you create the web developement like?

I have knowledge on HTML. I will go throgh the W3School site to design and develop a tool which meets my requirement.

My intention is to get good knowledge in Frontend as well. So Please share your thoughts on this.


Hi Vasu,

  1. Photoshop
  2. Html, Css, Javascript or Jquery
  3. Php, MySql

First of all, you need to design the website appearance using photoshop (Design the all pages viewed). Once it's getting approve means you'll convert photoshop(psd) format to html format.

Once html file ready that means please check the cross browser compatibility. (ex: IE, Firefox, Chorme, Safari, Opera)

Thereafter use Php and MySql develop the tool

Thank you very much.. Will start working on it.

All the very best.

Take care

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