Working on this site and now i'm majorly annoyed it isn't working.

<div id="Mid_Content">
<div id="Left_Content">
<h2>heading </h2>
<div id="Mid_point_Content">asdasd</div>
<div id="Right_Content">Form</div>

Mid_Content is a container and the rest inside it.

Here is the CSS

#Mid_Content {
    Width: 1000px;

#Left_Content {
width: 33%;
Mid_point_Content {
    Width: 33%;
    align: left;
Right_Content {
    Width: 33%;
    align: right;

Any idea why it's dropping down a line rather than lining up?

Use Float insted of align. Like

<div id="Mid_Content">

<div id="Left_Content">
<h2>heading </h2>
<div id="Mid_point_Content">asdasd</div>
<div id="Right_Content">Form</div>

#Mid_Content {
    Width: 1000px;
    float: left;

#Left_Content {
width: 33%;
#Mid_point_Content {
    Width: 33%;
    float: left;
#Right_Content {
    Width: 33%;


Dear 'bradly', you forgot to float the div, this will work:

<div id="Mid_Content">
<div id="Left_Content" style="float:left;">
<h2>Best Rates </h2>
2012 has been a great year for cheap mortgage deals. The Bank of England rate is at an all time low and mortgage lenders having to compete for your business, mortgage rates have been consistently low. Approaching the right mortgage provider for your circumstances is essential to getting the best rate. </p><p>
At We-Remortgage our mortgage advisers are highly experienced professionals, they have the knowledge and expertise to help you choose the right deal with latest applicants receiving rates as low as 2.68%!
Complete our 30 second form and start saving!
<div id="Mid_point_Content" style="float:left; width:33%;">asdasd</div>
<div id="Right_Content" style="float:right; width:33%">Form</div>


Good Luck :)

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