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I was born in November 12, 1987, Cape Verde, in a small town Sao Filipe, island of Fogo. I grew up with my grand parents in farm, in litoral of Sao Filipe, called Campana, where i went to pre-school and middle school. after i finished middle school, i continue my school in Sao Filipe High school, i have been there for 6 here. After i finished the hight school i went to Praia island to go college, where i went to Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde, graduate in Major Computer Science and Management. After i graduated i worked one year as profissional job, in an airline company for four months callet TACV, then 3 months worked for United Nations, and in Technlogy company for governor NOSI.
<p>After my contract with NOSI, i decide to continue my studies on technoligy, and the United States was the best choice for me, because i have my family here, and most important because there is the best colleges in the world, is in State of Massachussets.</p>
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