Hi all, I'm new to this forum.

I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to making my companies website fit screen resolutions of all sizes? tried changing a few things to percentages but it doesn't seem to make a different.

The problem is that down the right side we have images that you can only see on a higher resolution screen - for example I work on a laptop and a PC and the PC has a smaller resolution whereas the laptop is widescreen. You can see the images on the laptop but not on the PC and i presume this would be the same for others.

If anyone could give me some ideas that would be great - I would be forever grateful!

The website is http://www.cbccomputers.com

Thanks all.

You can use CSS media queries to optimize for a specific resolution, like making the middle content smaller on smaller resolutions.

CSS Media queries? What are they?

Thanks for the reply.

Brilliant, I'll have a look.

Thanks for your help.

Twitter Bootstrap is one of the best Mobile ready frameworks around, in my opinion.


Customise it to your color scheme and select only jQuery plugins your actully going to use ... and your ready to go.

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Although pritaeas is absolutely spot on I would also second using a mobile ready framework. It's tried and tested.

I you want to cut out the bloat, skeleton is another great mobile ready framework, but twitter bootstrap is the solid choice for all round sheer goodness.

I also tend to throw in a bit of jquery (window.width) as well to further enhance the control of the site on different sized screen.

The above comments are all good, but you have to realize converting an ecommerce site of this magnitude to mobile is big undertaking. I suggest that you look into whatever CMS/ecommerce software that you are using and see if they offer some responsive themes. That would be a good start, then you will still need to understand the media queries to nail down your 'customization'

If the site is using a CMS and as long as the site is not presenting presentation elements in its code, any framework will do. Its simply a wrapper for your content. But like tomparker said ... "converting an ecommerce site of this magnitude to mobile is big undertaking".

If they kept a seperation of content and presentation it should be fairly cut and dried ... should be anyway. :-)

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