i've just started in the world of html and css

how does my web site show up in searches "google"

I have an animated .gif moves very slow when page loads can that be sped up

any way to do things in colums EX:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

any help with these cmds
thank you very much

how does my web site show up in searches "google"

I don't understand the question, sorry. If you're asking how to make sure your site is well-indexed by Google and ranks well in Search Results pages, that isn't an HTML coding question. Ask in the Site Management forums.

I have an animated .gif moves very slow when page loads can that be sped up

Not really. Most sites don't use animated GIFs anymore.

any way to do things in colums EX:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Research HTML tables.

Thanks for the help.

<th colspan="1">MY HEADER</th>





:o i hope i dont get kicked .. haha .. looks fine to me :D .. all the best with watever u r doing ..

later ..

thank you that really helps alot,

sorry my gratitude is late I was on vacation.

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