I apologize if this isn't the right board for this topic, but when you're developing a website and especially when it goes live, sometimes the user will see words that acts as links to unnecessary ads.

As an example, I'll take some text from a client of ours:

"Our formulas come from naturally-derived ingredients such as surfactants from coconut oil and preservatives from sage oil..."

The word ingredients is a link (which in the actual code its not) and it displays an ad related to ingredients.

My two questions are, how do I get rid of this and is there anything I can do on my end so these links don't appear on my website?


Is there some Javascript code that does this?

That's a good question... I looked through my code and there doesn't seem to be anything that would cause it, but if you want to look at the site, here it is: http://turningheadssalons.com/products.html

If there is some Javascript that can prevent this, that would be ideal.

I see no link for "ingredients". Are you sure it isn't just browser plugin you have installed?

I dont see any links either. If its only happening on your browser, its likely to be a plug-in of some sort, maybe a toolbar that you have loaded.

This actually isn't happening on my browser. It's happening on my clients. I believe there is a unwanted program / plug-in that causes this problem, but I'm not sure which one. What I'm wondering is there a way to stop these sort of problems, besides just disabling the suggested program / plugin. Also, has anyone seen this sort of problem before on other webpages?

If the problem is truly being caused by something on the clients machine or browser, there is nothing you're going to be able to do on the website to circumvent that. The best thing to do is to edjucate the client on why it might be happening and have them open the site in a different browser (or incognito mode if they're using chrome) if they need some convincing.

If the problem is truly being caused by something on the clients machine or browser, there is nothing you're going to be able to do on the website to circumvent that.

It's like I said, there's nothing you can change on the website it self to fix it.

its one of those browser plugins

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