Hey everyone,

So I've built a website for my portfolio and I want to make it responsive to all browser sizes. However I don't think I've got the basics of it down yet. I've got it to where my menu re-adjusts and but the main content doesn't seem to alter nor does the width height seem to change. No matter if I resize the browser, the width of the content seems to change. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone please help me figure this out? Thanks!


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           <p class="intro">Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
           <p class="intro">Some more text goes here. Some more text goes here. Some more text goes here. Some more text goes here. Some more text goes here.</p>
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            <section class="col">
                <p>Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. </p>
            <section class="col mid">
                <p>Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
            <section class="col">
                <p>Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
        <a class="back-to-top" href="#main">Back to Top</a>
      <!-- services -->
      <section id="services" >
             <h1>Another Title.</h1>
             <div class="row no-bottom-margin">
                <section class="col">
                    <p><img class="align-left" alt="" src="images/path" />Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
                <section class="col mid">
                    <p><img class="align-left" alt="" src="images/path" />Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
                <section class="col">
                    <p><img class="align-left" alt="" src="images/path" />Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
            <div class="row">
                <section class="col">
                    <p><img class="align-left" alt="" src="images/path" />Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
                <section class="col mid">
                    <p><img class="align-left" alt="" src="images/path" />Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
                <section class="col">
                    <p><img class="align-left" alt="" src="images/path" />Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
            <a class="back-to-top" href="#main">Back to Top</a>
      <!-- portfolio -->
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                        <a class="lightbox" href="images/path" target="_blank" title="" ><img src="images/path" alt="" /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
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                        <a href="" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/path" alt="" /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title.</h3>
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                        <a class="lightbox" href="images/path" title="" ><img src="images/path" alt="" /></a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
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                        <a href="#" title="" ><img src="images/path" alt="" /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
                <li class="folio-thumb">
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                        <a class="lightbox" href="images/path" title=""><img src="images/path" alt="" /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
         <li class="folio-thumb last">
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                        <a class="lightbox" href="images/path" title=""><img src="images/path" alt="" /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
                <li class="folio-thumb">
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                        <a class="lightbox" href="images/path" title=""><img src="images/path" alt=""  /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
                <li class="folio-thumb">
                    <div class="thumb">
                        <a class="lightbox" href="images/path" title=""><img src="images/path" alt="" /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
                 <li class="folio-thumb last">
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                        <a class="lightbox" href="images/path" title="path"><img src="images/path" alt="" /> </a>
                    <h3 class="entry-title">Some Title</h3>
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      <!-- about me -->
      <section id="about-us" class="clearfix">
            <h1>Some Title</h1>
            <div class="primary">
                <img style="margin-right: 8px; border: 1px solid #000;" align="left" width="213px" height="213px" src="images/path"/><p style="margin-top: -5px;" class="intro">Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
        <h2>Another Title...</h2>
        <h3>Another Tile Goes Here</h3>
        <br />
                        <p>Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. </p>
        <h3>Another Title Goes Here</h3>
        <br />
            <p>Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. </p>
        <h3>Another Title Goes Here</h3>
        <br />
            <p>Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. </p>
                <h3>Another Title Goes Here</h3>
        <br />
            <p>Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. </p>
        <h3>Another Title Goes Here</h3>
        <br />
            <p>Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. </p>
        <h3>Another Title Goes Here</h3>
        <br />
            <p>Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. </p>
        <div class="row no-bottom-margin">
                    <h2>More Titles</h2>
                    <p>Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
                    <div class="testimonials">
                            <p>Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. 
                            Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here. Some text goes here.</p>
                            <cite>Some Person, <a href="" target="_blank">Some Title</a></cite>
                            <p>Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras mattis
                            consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.</p>
                            <cite>&mdash; Jane Roe, ABC Corp</cite>
            <a class="back-to-top" href="#main">Back to Top</a>
      <!-- contact -->
      <section id="contact" class="clearfix">
            <h1>Title Here</h1>
            <div class="primary">
                <p class="intro">
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" id="contactform" novalidate>
            <p><span class="required">*</span> Please fill all the required fields</p>
               if($sent === true){
                  echo "<h2 class='success'>Thanks! Your message has been sent successfully!</h2>";
               }elseif($hasError === true){
                  echo '<ul class="errorlist">';
                  foreach($errorArray as $key => $val){
                 echo "<li>" . ucfirst($key) . " field error - $val</li>";
                  echo '</ul>';
            <label>Name <span class="required">*</span></label>
            <input name="name" type="text" id="name" value="<?php echo (isset($name) ? $name : ""); ?>" />
            <label>Email <span class="required">*</span></label>
            <input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="<?php echo (isset($email) ? $email : ""); ?>" />
            <label>Message <span class="required">*</span></label>
            <textarea name="message" rows="20" cols="50"  id="message" ><?php echo (isset($message) ? $message : ""); ?></textarea><br /><br />
            <input type="submit"  value="Submit" class="button">
            <input type="reset" value="Reset" class="button">
                    <h2>More Titles</h2>
                    <p style="font-size:15px;">
            Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. Some text here. 
                    <p style="font-size:15px;">Some text goes here<br />
                    Some text goes here..
                    <h2>Some text</h2>
                    <ul class="link-list social">
                        <li class="facebook" style="font-size:15px;"><a href="" target="_blank">Some text</a></li>
                        <li class="googleplus" style="font-size:15px;"><a href="" target="_blank">Some text</a></li>
                        <li class="twitter" style="font-size:15px;"><a href="Some text" target="_blank">Some text</a></li>
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        <p class="footer-text">Footer content</p>


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-------------------------------------------- */

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    Main Section
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/* -----------------------------------------
------------------------------------------- */
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/* ---------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- */
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/* ------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------ */
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/* ---------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------- */

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Thank you again!!

Your last identical post from a week ago had 29 views, with no responses. If that were my post, I would have asked my self "what is wrong with the way I asked this question, and how can I change it so I will get an answer?". I'm not trying to be rude, I just wanted to point this out. I saw your post a week ago when I was at work, but I didn't have the time to comment. Your question is more of a "I want to do all of these things, and here is all of my code".

One thing you could do to make it more friendly for us, is publish it online somewhere and give us a link. I would much rather go to your link and mess with it in Firebug, than have to spend the time setting up a test myself somewhere.

Here is an interesting blog post on responsive font sizing

You might also want to look into using a CSS grid framework like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Skeleton. These can save a lot of time and headache, and adding responsiveness to an existing site can become a major headache a lot of times.

I thought this was a overall good post on responsive design.

I hope I didn't offend you with anything that I said here.

@Pixelsoul, You're right, I should have thought about a better way to ask in a more polite fashion. My apologies. I should have thought about what you had mentioned before posting basically the same thing again. I've just been working on this for quite some time and I feel like I've made little progress with something that should seem really simple to alter. Nonetheless, I should have cooled down before just posting the same thing over again hoping for a better result.

I do have a website up and running. I should have posted that instead of posting vasts amounts of code. Here is the link for that for anyone who wishes to view it: http://genehowell.com/ and I'll take a look at those articles. Thanks for being honest with me!

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