Hi all! I'am a newbie and I want to make my first website. Which software you would recommend me to use?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

i would recommend microsoft frontpage or dreamweaver.

i am editing my reply.. since i dont kno how to delete

I suggest you Dreamweaver. its so nice for all but if you anyone is starting to HTML for the first time so Please Use NotePad or any other softwares like that because in Dreamweaver you will so Lazy :D

I use dreamweaver myself...by you can create a web site using nothing more than notepad if you know html and css.

Hi all! I'am a newbie and I want to make my first website. Which software you would recommend me to use?

Well use dreamweaver if you are making your first website.
But will recommendd you to have some basic knowledge of HTML. It will help you.

If you want a free wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) editor then you might want to check out Nvu. Its pretty full featured and has a good interface.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

first of all learn HTML and CSS. Without these you cann't create a good, error free site even if u use dreamweaver or else.
i use
dreamweaver, homesite, WeBuilder and TopStyle and i use em all after trying tonnes of other softwares and still they need a some knowledge.

For learning everything about web www.w3schools.com is a good resource...

i used webpage maker an excellent programme to create your 1st website. Dreamweaver ? i want to use it but im scared lol. i have been told it is difficult to use . anyone here tell me otherwise?

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

I don't think dreamweaver is difficult to use. Its very user friendly. When I used it first I didn't had to read its manual for help.

Homesite, TopStyle, HTML Pad or WeBuilder are some good html editors

dreamweaver is a very good option but if you're used to working on MS products like word etc, you could try microsoft's expressions web designer which although is in beta stages, but does offer some nice design capabilities. You can try it for free from: http://www.microsoft.com/products/expression/en/default.mspx

one more vote for dreamweaver, IMO it is the best and easy to learn and use, before start building your site get some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, this will help you a lot.
All the best....:)

To make your self a real simple first web site i would recomend playing with microsoft word and then saving what you create as html. later i found it was a good way to learn about html structures by looking at the source of what i created in word

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

simple and best start with notepad and when you become familier with all those things start with any good html editor

I would use Dreamweaver if you want to use a wysiwyg or crimson editor if you want to do the code side of things. You should also invest in a graphics package such as Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop.


i used webpage maker an excellent programme to create your 1st website. Dreamweaver ? i want to use it but im scared lol. i have been told it is difficult to use . anyone here tell me otherwise?

Dreamweaver is definately not hard to use. You should download an eval version and try it.

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