What would some people recommend to get better knowledge in UX/UI design. I am taking Coursera google certificate would the be a good starting point to build a portfolio I am new to the UX/Ui design area and learning as I go. Any thoughts?

Given some of these can be completed in less than 2 days and for free, get it done and report back here what you think of the course.

There is an excellent book by Alan Cooper called About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design. The most recent version is the fourth edition in 2014. While looking this up I found another book by him that I'll be reading shortly. The Inmates are Running the Asylum. Why High Tech Products Drive us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity.


commented: Loving the "Click here](null)" joke. +17

I don't know where the "click here null" came from. I didn't put it there, but I did delete it.

commented: I thought it was part of the UI joke. +0

That's what happens when you click on the little link button in our editor toolbar, and then when prompted to enter a URL, you hit cancel instead, and so it adds [Click Here](null) where null is meant to be the URL the link should point to.

commented: So it's a feature! +17

Yes, precisely. Not a bug at all.

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