Hey People

I have a flash question which is probably pretty simple but it is driving me mad!

I cant remember how to jump to a .htm file through a flash button when the .htm file I want to get to is in a different folder???

I have the file index.htm right under my htdocs folder on the web which has a swf file in it. I have a folder called ‘Video’ under the htdocs folder with a file in that called video1.htm.

When i click on the button in the swf file which is in index.htm, i want it to take me through to video1.htm which is in the folder 'Video'. If that makes sense!!

My actionscript reads;


How come it isn’t working?? Just sends me to a page that says ‘page cannot be displayed’!!!

Thanks for any help


Where is your swf file placed? Use getUrl path relative to swf file.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

yeah every link link in flash is relative to the swf file directory


if still facing the problem so,

just add "/" in the file path

now AS should looks like:

actionscript reads;


this will work for you ;)


i'm using actionscript 2.0 and i have linked my flash to another page using the following code:

submit_btn.onRelease = function (){
if (password_txt.text == myPassword) {
getURL("", "_self",);

and when i test it, it will run fine but when i embed in my webpage using strict XHTML compliant code it wont open the new page, can anyone tell me why and how to fix it? Any help would be greatly appriciated. The code i used to embed the movie is:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
width="900" height="650">
<param name="movie"
value="site.swf?path=site.swf" />
<param name="allowScriptAcess" value="never" />
<img src="noflash.gif"
width="200" height="100" alt="" />

getURL("", "_self",);

and when i test it, it will run fine but when i embed in my webpage using strict XHTML compliant code it wont open the new page, can anyone tell me why and how to fix it? Any help would be greatly appriciated. The code i used to embed the movie is:

try this getURL("", "_blank",);

_self = this will open in same window

_blank = this will open in new window

try this getURL("", "_blank",);

_self = this will open in same window

_blank = this will open in new window

Yeah i'm fairly competent in html and that was one of my first thoughts but still nothing happens. I have even tried just having text in the flash movie to link but it wont either???

I am also having the same problem. I have built some animated buttons and put the correct actionscript inside them but the links won't work. Nothing happens, just a dead click on the button. Its really strange? It works when testing the movie in flash 8, but not when i publish it to a webpage?

desperately need some help


i found that it was becuase i was testing it out locally, try uploading it to your server then see if it's still a dead click.

IT WORKS!!!!! thats awesome thanks so much!!!!!


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