
When using PHOTOSHOP for using the automate batch option for pics, I am getting the prompt "COULD NOT SAVE THE FILE BECAUSE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RAM"
I have 1.5 GB of RAM.... I believe that is more than enough RAM to perform this operation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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i also couldn't understand too. It runs perfectly in mine with half memory. try reinstalling the software or get suppport from Adobe's site. Also check your hardware setting and drivers.

you should check your scratch disk settings:
Edit > Preferences > Plugins & Scratch Disks

Use as many partitions as needed, although allotting too much scratch disk space also slows the application down a lil bit.

Thank You for replying,

So, what changes should I make in this area of the program?

if you have say four partitions on your hard drive, c, d, e and f, select d, e and f as the first, second and third disk. Adobe doesnt recommend using your primary partition to be used as a scratch disk, so you can leave drive c.

Thank You for replying,

So, what changes should I make in this area of the program?

yes just you select the Partition which have most free space in 1st Scratch Disks then next ....


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