I have an html script going like this: which is in mymain.html

<a id="temples" href="mytemples.html">Temples</a><br>
<a id="festivals" href="myfestivals.html">Festivals</a><br>

When I click on Temples link , I am taken to mytemples.html , which again has the folowing links :

<a id="home" href="mymain.htm">Home</a><br>
<a id="prev" href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">Back</a><br>

The funny issue is, when I click on Home, I am still stuck in mytemples.html page, whereas when I click on Back, I am taken
back to mymain.html.

Can anyone help me as to what is wrong in my Home script in my
mytemples.html, that is refusing to invoke mymain.html.


> <a id="home" href="mymain.htm">Home</a><br> I guess the browser is looking for 'mymain.htm' but you have a file named 'mymain.html'. Even though both 'htm' and 'html' are acceptable formats, you can't use them interchangeably.

Do something like: <a id="home" href="mymain.html">Home</a><br>

Yep, one of those problems that get you frustrated when it is just a typo. Try what ~s.o.s~ said :D

Always poofread your work to see if you any letters or words out.

I have an html script going like this: which is in mymain.html

<a id="temples" href="mytemples.html">Temples</a><br>
<a id="festivals" href="myfestivals.html">Festivals</a><br>

When I click on Temples link , I am taken to mytemples.html , which again has the folowing links :

<a id="home" href="mymain.html">Home</a><br>
<a id="prev" href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">Back</a><br>

The funny issue is, when I click on Home, I am still stuck in mytemples.html page, whereas when I click on Back, I am taken
back to mymain.html.

Can anyone help me as to what is wrong in my Home script in my
mytemples.html, that is refusing to invoke mymain.html.


Hi guys,

The spell mistake was only on this write-up !!!!

To repeat, my html code is with correct spelling.

While mymain.html works ok independantly, it is not if invoked
thro' mytemples.html home -link.

I took these code to another PC, and it works fine !!!!!.

Can anybody help me?
Whether, any change is reqd in Advanced IE settings ?
in IE 6.02 /SP2 which I am using?...

Thanks again.

If you have Firefox, see the Error Console to see if it shows any errors. If not then paste the code of both the files here otherwise we only end up guessing things.

If you have Firefox, see the Error Console to see if it shows any errors. If not then paste the code of both the files here otherwise we only end up guessing things.

Yes. In FireFox... it works perfect. No issues. No errors.

What could be then?

Hi guys,

In firefox browser, whereever dropdown menus are there for a link-text on my horizontal bar, there appears a 'v' at the end of that link-text on the horizontal menu
While it does not show for such menu-text link, where there is no dropdown choice.

How should i avoid this 'v' showing up ?

Thanks in advance.

Maybe uploading screenshots would help us in understanding the problem in a better way...

Check for a typo in earlier code. Here are a few causes of grief that can vary with different browsers:

- Forgetting to close a quote on an earlier tag.
- Closing " with '
- Not using the & codes for certain characters.
- Javascript improperly changing code.

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