If you have alias's wavefront maya 4 or higher than i think the best place to go to get free video tutorials is Digital-tutors.com. They have a free registration and they sell training videos on cd rom.

If you have other sites that you think are helpful for 3d modeling tutorials please post them so more daniweb members have choices

Gnomon sells great tutorial dvds by masters of the industry;)

visit their store at:

also picking up Alias Maya Dvd's won't hurt either:D

Hi, There are quite a few places that host free web tutorials for maya. There are also a lot of them that you can buy. I have found that most of the free ones does a good job to teach you as a beginner. Then a bit later on you might want to invest some money in to a tutorial you can buy.
You can find free tutorials for maya on: http://www.mayamodeling.com/
or www.highend3d.com or www.3dbuzz.com

If any one have any more good sites to recomend for maya modeling tutorials then please post them below,

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