I have a question about Bluetooth technology from Microsoft. I have purchased the mouse/keyboard combo and to much of my excitement, I am not impressed. I understand that the technology is based on saving battery power, but I am trying to stop that. My mouse or keyboard after a couple minutes of not being used will go into standby mode....then to wake it up, you have to tap the mouse button or hit a key to wake it up. It is sooooo annoying because it doesn't work like normal cordless devices. Does anyone know a way of turning the sleep off?? I have looked and can't find anything in the settings, but sometimes people know what to do. Thanks!

I know it might be a bit too late, but I highly recommend the Logitech MX 900 bluetooth mouse. It has a rechargable docking station (no AA batteries) and I just like it a whole lot more than it's Microsoft counterpart :) Plus it's what I have used up until yesterday, when I got myself a Logitech MX 1000 ... the MX 1000 isn't bluetooth like the MX 900 is, but it's still wireless, and it uses laser technology instead of optical technology. Plus it actually has a cool battery level display built into the top of the mouse.

I know it might be a bit too late, but I highly recommend the Logitech MX 900 bluetooth mouse. It has a rechargable docking station (no AA batteries) and I just like it a whole lot more than it's Microsoft counterpart :) Plus it's what I have used up until yesterday, when I got myself a Logitech MX 1000 ... the MX 1000 isn't bluetooth like the MX 900 is, but it's still wireless, and it uses laser technology instead of optical technology. Plus it actually has a cool battery level display built into the top of the mouse.

Ya sounds cool!!! But ya a little to late. Does the logitech fall asleep like the microsuck?

Bluetooth itself is a battery draining technology. Try turning on the bluetooth of your mobile phone and you will see that the battery will die in a day. So going on stand by is good, but as you said it can be annoying. On the first place you could have bought a RF mouse which uses lesser power.
For application like wireless keyboard and mouse, they are coming up with a similar technology - wibree. Its almost similar to bluetooth, but consumes lesser power and piring is very fast.

use Logitech MX900 mouse.
it's consumes lesser power and piring is very fast.

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