Person wrote - "I can see it happening and found many cases of mobile explosions specially much frequent in Rajasthan. I can say it started there and now i am hearing from mumbai also. There were many victims died of this in last one and half month. It is not only because of cheap mobiles or china made mobiles. The symptoms are :
(1) You get a call with a weird number with green red blue colors in the numbers
(2) You get a call with no number being displayed on screen. You will just see a black or red strip on the mobile screen.
(3) Whenever these number calls then mobile gets heated very much. If we do not attend and it keeps ringing, we can see how much hot the mobile body becomes.
If you attend any one of this types of call, the mobile immediately explodes and can cause death. I don't know how does it happen but this must be done calling through Satellite. Even if we disconnect the call, explosion probability is high. At first even i didn't believe that how can a mobile battery be so powerful to cause death but it is happening.
I cannot say any decisive explanations but it is better and to be on a safe side, if we ignore these types of number or symptoms appears on our mobile."
Similar kind of case is happening in my state too (Assam / India), So can any one provide a tech explanation on this. Is it possible to explode a cell phone remotely?