
Im am using nokia e51
I want to set email notification my phone, but the problem is when is set password in phone it is leaked by some spyware in my phone. This happened two times.

If i had set my gmail in phone the very next day gmail notifies me that my account has been compromised. Also it sending mails from gmail account, the ip is from China. :(

I am not willing to reset my phone to factory settings.

please help me to fix this.

Thanks in advance.

Has your account been compromised more than once, just curious? Nokia E51 runs on Symbian OS and there are a few known viruses out there.

Below is a link to several antivirus application for mobile phones. If you believe your phone is infected and you don't want to wipe it I don't see any other options, good luck. I would be interested in the results if you end up going with one of the AV's.


Has your account been compromised more than once, just curious? Nokia E51 runs on Symbian OS and there are a few known viruses out there.

Below is a link to several antivirus application for mobile phones. If you believe your phone is infected and you don't want to wipe it I don't see any other options, good luck. I would be interested in the results if you end up going with one of the AV's.


Hai, zelkea

Many thanks for your response. :)

Yes my account has been compromised twice, actually i want to confirm whether it is leaking from phone or somewhere else, so i set the mail with new password and the very next day the same thing happened.

I have used netqin av in my phone and it is not detecting any,so i removed it from my phone because it was charging about AED 20 as monthly subscription charge.

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