Madonna and Paris Hilton slug it out in online virtual porn battle

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Paris Hilton is 27 years old and pretty much made her name for two things: being the heiress to the Hilton Hotel fortune, and starring in a home made porno flick that ended up on the Internet. OK, make that famous for one thing, being the heiress to the Hilton Hotel fortune who starred in a porn film.

Of course, she has since gone on to make a name for herself as being the world's biggest celebrity with no real reason to be famous other than being rich and that porno flick. Google searches for such things as Paris Hilton Naked continue to surge through the popularity ratings, and pretty much anything she does makes for good SEO these days.

This popularity has not escaped the malware gangs which use her name to entice punters into opening emails and clicking on links. The most unusual of which has to be the claim that Paris Hilton Tosses Dwarf on Street.

However, the scams usually revolve around the promise of seeing Paris Hilton naked again, or starring in a new video.

Funnily enough she did recently star in a new, and very popular Internet video clip, but this time she kept most of her clothes on and made a spoof play on becoming the next US President.

Now it seems that Paris has a rival in the unlikely shape of a 50 year old women getting down and dirty in some adult action. Of course, when that older woman happens to be Madonna you can perhaps understand why the ploy might work.

Sophos reports that a new malware campaign is claiming to have a video of Madonna doing the dirty in a XXX Video. Of course, the file madonna.avi.exe is no such thing, it's just another Trojan loader.

However, the fact that the email is proving so popular does suggest that Paris had better watch out as the Internet consumer taste for celebrity porn seems to known no bounds...