Hello everyone
My name is greg and i'm please to find your community. I'm in serch of a Admin Bot I can use to monitor our home channel and interact with our webpage also. I'm not a programer and have tryed a little bit but for what I need i'm unable to to.
I am the owner & Webadministrator of <snipped> we have a nice size community of about 602 members and we play most of battle.net games, SC, BW, Diablo, WOW, etc....
I own a dedicated linux server and I would like to be able to install a Bot on that server without using Wine. I would also like for users connected to battle.net to be able to type commands and it can communicate with our webserver. We run a custom league and I would love for users to be able to type bot trigger @AGL1username or AGL2username and then the bot replys thats stats and info on that user weather there registered for the league and if they are it will display there stats.
If anyone is willing to help me out I would be so thankful. I do this for a hobby and it sucks when you want to do something your unable. I can offer in return webspace/shell access or $$Money if thats what you want.
Please I hope someone is up for this challange. I know I am not the only Linux user insearch of a battle.net bot for Diable,WOW, & SC!