My System Config:
AMD 64 2800+ (1.8 GHZ)
Nvidia Geforce 6200 LE Turbocache
1x512 MB RAM Kingston DDR 400
PSU of Circle : +12V @ 10A
My Graphics card was heating up when i start playing games.
I just placed a local fan below the graphic card's heating core...
Now my Graphic card's temperature is normal... solved.
Now my on-board graphics core is getting heated when i just start the game(5-10 mins).
Onboard graphics is necessary(hwardware), coz i hv gr. card. why on-board gr. is nedded.
Can i disable the onboard graphics thru hardware so that my onboard gr. is not heated.
What is AUX in speedfan. i am using latest speedfan 4.33 version.
How can i cool the temperature of my CPU. Can i place another fan some where to cool down my CPU. Or i will hv to buy the CPU cooler...
and waht is SYSTEM in speedfan ?
My PSU is like this "+12V @ 10A" i.e of 120 Watts. Is my calculation true ?