Installing a PowerPC G3 with OS 9.2.2 (6GB hardrive) for someone less-advantaged, but realize that the browser, in particular, presents a problem just in rendering. I've installed iCab 3, but not sure she can keep up with the updates. Question: Can this hardware run OS X (Tiger) smoothly? anybody have experience? any help appreciated

It supports the G3 (but thats the lowest cpu it supports so might be sloooooow) but im not sure about the rest. Be careful that you get the POWERPC one NOT the Intel one. There is no universal version!!!!

Personally I think RAM will be the major issue.

how much RAM does it have??

Tiger needs 256mb bare minimum (512mb-1gb reccomended) and 3gb-4gb of hard disk space minimum

Thanks for the insight. I think I'll keep her on OS 9.2.2, but thought I should consider all the options--and the browser seems to be the biggest problem anyway. (The machine is a PowerPC chip (not Intel) with 256 RAM--borderline, at best. I might be able to install it, but not much else!)

>Be careful that you get the POWERPC one NOT the Intel one. There is no universal version!!!!
The only reason Tiger isn't a universal binary is because it was released before the Intel Macs came out. Thus, any Tiger disk you buy will be for PowerPC only. Tiger should run acceptably on your machine, although I'd be a little concerned about disk space (an operating system that takes up 50% of the hard drive doesn't allow a lot of room to grow). If you're really worried about performance issues, then go back a step and get something like Panther. According to the specs on Apple's website, it only requires 128 MB of RAM. Your Mac shouldn't have any issues running that.

Power PC G3 is capable of running OSx panther, jaguar, and even tiger there are even threads in the net showing picture that it can run tiger the slot loading, well I hope ihave help you in any way, GOOd Day!


Installing a PowerPC G3 with OS 9.2.2 (6GB hardrive) for someone less-advantaged, but realize that the browser, in particular, presents a problem just in rendering. I've installed iCab 3, but not sure she can keep up with the updates. Question: Can this hardware run OS X (Tiger) smoothly? anybody have experience? any help appreciated

Powerpc can run OSX panther 3.9 max but you must first upgrade your pram it is the button located on the right side of your CPU/monitor just make sure its a powerpc G3 try mactracker to know what model is your G3

Good day!


Mac OSX Panther is the most STABLE OS there are lots of sites in the net that can help you.


yes the G3 can easily handle tiger, Unlike windows minimum requirements, mac ones are just telling you what you need to run the product without wanting to claw your eyes out in frustration



See also TenFourFox (for running Firefox, built for OS X 10.4.x PPC. And yes, at .) They also have a browser for OS 9. Even with NoScript installed to keep any Facebook Javascript from running and killing computer utility for any other purpose, it's asking a lot to run lickable graphics libs on something with <<4GiB.

I have also been suffered with OS issues

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