I returned from work yesterday and my monitor was completely dead. No power light - no nothing. It is only about 5 months old and showed no signs of deterioration. I tried new outlets, power cord, etc. to no avail. Any ideas of the cause or a fix? Thanks!

Just one suggestion for fixing it - Send it back to supplier - get them to replace.


That makes sense -- but, unfortunately I bought it from a co-worker (new in the box) who bought it on line and never used it. He didn't register it so it probably isn't warranted. I'm thinking it is probably a simple short or something -- but I can't even figure out how to open it! Is it a waste of money to take it to a repair shop??

It should not matter if it was registered, but you have to get your coworker to conatct the supplier and arrange to get it replaced/fixed. Most monitors are replaced under warranty.

There is nothing you can do if you open it up.


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