I have an older computer its an apple mac 7200/75 and when i turn it on all i get is a picture of a floppy disk with a question mark on it. what do i do?


I split your question off of the other thread you were on, as you hijacked that topic. Please feel free to open up unique threads when you have a question.

What version of OS are y ou running in the 7200? OS 8? OS 9? The flashing ? mark means that the system cannot find a valid System folder installed. You might have a dead hard drive. You might have a floppy disk in the disk drive with no system on it (then again, Macs are smart enough to eject those things). You might have had a crash that disturbed your system settings.

Tell us more about your system. CD-ROM? OS? Have the system disks around?


I have an older computer its an apple mac 7200/75 and when i turn it on all i get is a picture of a floppy disk with a question mark on it. what do i do?

Hi I have 2 7200. Good sets. If you have not used it for some time and it has not been plugged in here is what I did. After trying all kind of things it still would not boot up. I gave it a wack on top of the case near the disc drive with handle of a screw driver. I heard the hard drive start up and I got the smiling face. Do this when you press the start button. Some times you might have to start with a disc. O/S 8.6 Or O/S9. Also the battery may be no good. Hope this will help. Regards, Norm Stewart.:) :)

> Hope this will help.

Actually I kind of doubt it. This thread is close to 3 years old; the newbie hasn't posted since, and it's highly unlikely he/she will read your reply.

> Hope this will help.

Actually I kind of doubt it. This thread is close to 3 years old; the newbie hasn't posted since, and it's highly unlikely he/she will read your reply.

Thanks Joe, that is what happens when you get old and don't read the date. Regards Norm.:)

I have the same question, Okay thanks

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