i have 80GB hard-disk sata port
when i boot my os(windowsXP) i am getting message disk read errorand press clt+alt+del to restart
when i got this msg first time i reinstall os sucessfully
but after some time ,i got the same msg again
now i can not reinstall os again,becase during the installation after loading file of windows
when window ask to select the partition to install os,screen do not show any partition of my disk

as well as when i tried hard-disk with another os( means with onother pc )as the slave(secondary disk) window is not detecting it.
bios is showing the hard-disk but window is not detecting it.

can any one solve this probem?

Fdisk then format, then try your install.

A drive won't show up in 'my computer' if there's no partition. You can right click on 'my computer', go to 'manage' then to 'disk management'. Your drive should show up here.

I'd be a bit wary of using a drive that gives you disk read errors. Might be time to invest in a new one.

Have you enabled S.M.A.R.T in Bios cause if its a hard drive failure it will naturally detect it.
Do you hear any clicking noise from your hdd?
If yes, then you soon have to Rma it or if it is in warranty try to replace it asap.
Hope that helps

thank u for ur solution
yes i am getting clicking noise in the harddisk
what is s.m.a.r.t?
how to enable it?
should i bye new harddisk?

how can i get my data back?

If your hdd is still working then copy the data as soon as you can by attaching it in your friends computer cause soon it is going to be of no use.
Also, if it is under warranty then you can replace it from the service station or you will have to buy another hdd. :(

but it is also not detected in other cioputers

well, guess its time to buy another one, sorry. :(

Depending on how important your data is, there are services available to recover it for you (for a price of course)

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