I have a Dell Inspiron 1100. Don't laugh, it's paid for and works well. Anyway, when the power supply is plugged in I get a crackling sound. Is it something to be concerned with? Please advise. Thanks.

If its constantly crackling, id get at looked at ASAP. It could cause a fire, or cause loads of problems with the PC.

Perhaps I should add, "Has anyone else experienced this problem?"

Yes, Ive seen this many times, and seen the devastating effects.

Member Avatar for san_fran_crisko

Sounds like a dodgy, cheap PSU. It shouldn't crackle when it's plugged in with the power on at the outlet (although don't make a habit of doing that), nevermind when its sitting plugged in with no interference from you!

My PSU used to crackle once when I switched it on. Long story short: mobo and PSU fried!

If you have not lost your mothers board and other devices count your blessing, this is definately a power supply issue and should be replace IMMEDIATELY

Most likely being caused by a wire shorting or sparking on something inside the PSU itself. As the others have said, this could become a health risk, remove it, and replace it.

Perhaps I should add, "Has anyone else experienced this problem?"

no ,you are the first one . Sarcastic Jack

When you say

Anyway, when the power supply is plugged in I get a crackling sound.

Is it just a quick crackle...or is it constantly crackling?

umm.. crackling sounds in a computer are def. not normal. does it sound like electric crackling?

well either way, replace the PSU right now! this is not good.

Or it might be needing a good thorough cleaning, could be the fan on PSU that has deposited a lot of dust and fibres. I d clean it properly as well and then see if the problem still remains. Other than that PSU replacement is advisory as others have said.


theres a problem with dell laptops where the PSU connector is really crappily soldered into the motherboard (dry joint)

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