Ok, so I just ordered a PC from CyberPowerPc.com.

I ordered the video card (8350), and RAM seperate from NewEgg.com

My motherboard specs state that by default, it runs RAM at 1.8v. The RAM I ordered can do both 1.8v and 2.0v. In the reviews for the RAM I ordered, people say that at 1.8v it runs at 667MHZ, and they have to turn their motherboard up to 2.0v

And I am very confused as what timing has to do with all of this. The RAM I ordered is 5-6-6-18, but the specs on my motherboard what it automatically runs RAM at.

I just wanna know if I'm only gonna be able to use 2GB of the 4GB I ordered.

ANY help is much appreciated.

Mind telling us what motherboard you have. It just might be important :)

MSI K9A2 CF-F AMD 790X CrossFire Chipset DDR2/1066 Dual 16X PCIE SATA RAID MB w/GbLAN,USB2.0,&7.1Audio()

Sorry about that lol

If you bought 1066MHz RAM, then higher voltage will be required to drive the RAM. The JDEC spec stops at 800MHz, so anything above that is outside "normal" memory.

You shouldn't lose any memory capacity but speed may take some tweaking.

Since that's a high end board, try using SPD and see what happens, then start tweaking. Check memory manufacturer's web site for recommended settings.

If OS is 32 bit and 4GB RAM is installed, somewhere between 2.75GB and 3.5GB will be available due to reserved addresses. Without SLI, you'll probably see about 3.25GB available with a highly configured system. With SLI -- less than 3GB.

I got Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit and one 8350 so all 4 gigs will be available.

The RAM I bought is pc2 6400 800mhz.

Will I have to tweak the BIOS?

Shouldn't if SPD is accurate unless you need to increase memory voltage. Odds are that it will run at 800MHz without problems.

Why didn't you let system vendor install memory? They would have used compatible memory.

Cyberpower was charging over $300 for 4 gigs and I got my 4 gigs for $90

They won't let you pick no RAM, so I just had them do 512mb.

Cyberpower was charging over $300 for 4 gigs and I got my 4 gigs for $90

hope you don't live to regret that ,as usually it ends up you get what you pay for .thats a big difference

Are you sure that your RAM is compatible? Try crucial to be sure:
That'll tell you what RAM you are using atm, plus what RAM your comp can run.

they just order the computer ,dont think they have it yet to run the scan

Oh right, that's my fault for not reading!
Well it must be better quality RAM due to costing that extra $210.

Oh right, that's my fault for not reading!
Well it must be better quality RAM due to costing that extra $210.

lol,it sure might !

This is Magicboi on a new account.

Actually what CyberPower was charging that much for was mushkin, same speed, same everything. The RAM I ordered has heat spreaders, their's didn't. lol.

the LOL could be on you is all we are saying ,there is a chance the ram may not be compatible with you new motherboard .heat spreadesr may mean the maker knows its gonna run hot as well .

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