
the display of my laptop started behaving strangely. the content is shown three times on the screen with the little offset.

in other words, what is shown in the top third part of the screen is also shown in the middle of the screen. all those parts are interferring thus creating real mess on the screen...

has anyone got any idea what cold be wrong?



So you see 3 versions of the desktop, one on top of the other?

Is it the same when 1st booting up? Do you see 3 versions of the POST screen or does this just happen when the OS loads?

it starts imediately after the laptop is powered on. so i can see three versions of POST screen and later the desktop on the display at the same time...

i have attached a picture to illustrate the problem.

any idea if this could be a lcd panel problem or motherboard, ect.?

the picture...

it is likely a video card problem then.

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