I recently received an 80gig hard drive from my friend's dead dell computer and decided to see if it still worked. I dissected an external USB 250gig hard drive, found a parallel ribbon cable and cannibalized an old power supply for a parallel power cable. I connected the mess together and after fiddling with the jumpers I managed to get my computer to recognize both drives. The main problem I've been experiencing is that my computer will now only recognize 32GB of the 80 in the hard drive (I do not have the jumpers set to limit capacity to 32GB). And it will only recognize both drives when I do have the jumpers set to limit capacity to 32GB on cable select. I do not know what kind of controller is running the interface nor is it written anywhere on the device.
Is what I am doing completely ludicrous or is this possible?
My technical skills are amateur at best so layman's terms would be appreciated.

p.s. sorry if this is a little tl;dr

Update: My computer now recognizes the full size of the HD and has allowed me to format it (though I have only that drive connected with CS jumper).
I would still like some advice on the potential of this endeavor.

Update: It will now only recognize only the 80GB HD even when it is set to slave, and the larger drive is set to master with slave present.
I am very confused.

This is the kind of crazy project I've tried in the past. I,m sure you realize there are many better ways to get this drive working, like spending $20.00 on an external case, or installing the drive internally.
That said, I believe you are correct about the controller being the issue.

This is the kind of crazy project I've tried in the past. I,m sure you realize there are many better ways to get this drive working, like spending $20.00 on an external case, or installing the drive internally.
That said, I believe you are correct about the controller being the issue.

Yeah, this was all done on a whim just because I had the free drive, my goal was to spend no money on this. If I'm going to spend any money on a hard drive I'll just go buy a new one and never think about it again. I've also run out of drive bays in my PC.
Stupid technology.

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